Cold Front

What gives us cozy winter vibes? We love simple greenery, the fresh scent of pine, and mug of something warm!

Something special anytime

Driven by the idea you can find beauty and joy in any moment, our highly curated collection showcases quality products to use, gift, and admire every day. Turn any space or gesture into something special.

Blog posts

Big (personal) news, and adventures to come!

Apologies as it's been a while but what a year 2020... As we begin to close out this year, and as much as I'm sure we'd all like to hit fast forward, I'd like to pause and offer up some gratitude for some bright spots. Thanks to our friends/supporters for making Herz Home a reality. It's a weird time to start a business for sure, but pandemic calls for being at home more and relishing those smaller moments and I'm so happy we can offer up some of our favorite things.  
December 04, 2020 — Hana Herz

Gifts for Work Colleagues

I was approached recently by a friend for help to pick out a gift for a colleague of theirs. There are a lot of factors to consider when picking out something for a work associate but it doesn't have to be too complicated. Click to read the entire post!
August 17, 2020 — Hana Herz

Welcome to Herz Home

Welcome to Herz Home (pronounced hair-tz!), we believe that every moment, space, and gesture has the opportunity to be beautiful and bring joy. We want you to walk (ahem, scroll) through our virtual store and find something that feels like a treat. Whether it's for yourself or for another, our love language at the store is definitely gifting which brings us to our first post... we believe in the GIFT BOX. Click to read the entire post!
July 01, 2020 — Hana Herz

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Mon - Sat, 10am - 5pm PT